
My own audience

A bored card

Productivity Formula

Words to Sketches

Germ-nyan Suplex dem Otonashi!

Four days of codes and numbers

The weeping toilet paper

Half asleep on my account

Duet in the Rain

Kokoro Beat

The Hound who cried Yarp

The Headache Formula

Extra Bass

Tsurai Emotion

Sotogawa Interaction

How to: Order a brownie, the hikikomori way

Path to a Novel


The Hand of a Goddess

Unlimited P.A. Works

Say 'Gah'

Feast of Culicidae

Hotter in the Rain

Blindly Searching for a Romantic Adventure

Another set of who knows what Cosplans


When the mug runs dry


Hime-cut fetish!?

It's been a while

The first ship...a wig

Coppelion Review

Current (self-made) achievements in Pokemon X

Java Chip Idiocy

New Year's Health and Mana Potions

Game of Thrones season 4 predictions

Close up picture of the Sun dying

Mission Complete, Little Busters! ~Refrain~

Monday morning rush

Suddenly, Game of Thrones