High School doodles

"High School is the best few years of a student's life"
- They
I dunno what kind of drug 'they' took to make them say that but apparently for most people, especially those of the previous generation, high school is the best time of their life. In fact, legends told that high school is supposed to be so good that they'd sell their soul to experience it again. Sell it to whom, though, I'm not entirely sure. Maybe their high school principal, we'll never know for sure.

High school for me, well for the most part, went by pretty fast now that I look back and remember just what kind of an annoying little pickle I was. If I were to summarize it per year it'd go like this:

First Year - culture shock. I came from a private catholic school, then for reasons I still wonder to this day I got accepted to one of the most sought after public science schools in the region. High school is definitely notches above elementary. I mean I always slept at nine in elementary, but high school? It was already ten in the evening and I'm still doing homework. Insanity I tell you. Insanity!
Also, my first year in high school, I ended up on the probation list.

Second Year - best year in high school, without a doubt. Here I experienced what it's like to be at the top of the class , but what really made this year the best was that, including my friends from first year, I was part of a group that genuinely enjoyed talking and discussing about anime.

Third Year - most difficult year, to top it all off I was class president. Really? Give the responsibilities to the person stressed out by two homeworks in one day? I'm pretty sure I was supposed to learn a lot of things this year because for some the Junior year was the right of passage to graduate, not the senior year. But at this point all I remember is how thick the Chemistry and Physics text books were, and how useful they were to use as a pillow when sleeping during class.
The biggest highlight of this year was my being involved in the prom's cotillion. My partner is one of my friends from Sushi (a group we made, all the members were anime otakus). I realized then that I had a crush on this girl, there was no romance though. Friendship with her quickly shattered because, well, I'm unattractive, annoying and all I ever talked about was anime.

Fourth Year - most relaxing year, probably. We've been through the same routine, only harder each year, for the fourth time now. But here, at least I thought so, even if we didn't give it our all we still would have graduated.
I did a lot of stupid things this year to get the attention of my crush whose seat was just two columns away to my left. Nothing really came of that. I was part of the research group whose leader was my first crush from first year, again nothing came of that. Perhaps that best thing that happened this year was that I passed the UPCAT. Heh, who knew passing that torture of an exam would give me another four years of pain and suffering.

But that's not all of the brutal truths that I keep looking back to whenever I need to read something at the toilet. Starting from my third year I kept a doodle/journal notebook not unlike the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It's not that visually appealing, though. For the most part these notes were my thoughts written down as brain farts. And since I enjoy humiliating my past self and the stupid things that he did, I might as well write some of those notes down.

There's a total of four binder notebooks to talk about. Here we go...on the next post. I need some sleep. And sleep I will get. Good night.
Spoilers though, the first book is an ugly mess. Pretty much like the latter half of my junior year. ha ha ha. sad.
