May 16

(I am writing this while the opening sequence of Oggy and the Cockroaches plays in the T.V. just outside the's damn annoying, not just the opening sequence but the show itself. It's like a failed attempt to copy Tom and Jerry)

Anyways, this day was very tiring on my part. I woke up early today (8:30) and I immediately but reluctantly agreed to babysit my 9 month old nephew until my mom finishes her work in the morning.
Let's see, here's a short outline of what I did in the morning to take care of L in my own "efficient" way.

I prepared a bottle of milk for him twice (very easy task, the hard part was choosing the color of the designs on the bottle that fits my preferences).

I ate breakfast (difficult, I had to watch over him while eating hot and spicy chicken from Jollibee).

I played with him while doing business with my laptop (difficult, I couldn't enjoy my time with my Compy at the maximum level, wasn't able to watch any anime for the whole morning).

I made him go to sleep (the most difficult part, which is why this one deserves its own paragraph...).

How to put a nine month old baby to sleep by Inukami (based from his experience with his nine month old nephew)

There are two kinds of babies when trying to make them sleep.
The first one is the calm and willing type and the second one is the aggressive type, both are simple tasks but requires great skill.

First, to put a calm and willing baby to sleep, make him/her sit on your laps facing you into a hugging position. Slowly raise and lower your legs using the toes as elevation. Once he/she's asleep, carry the baby to the crib...and silently sing "We are the champions" by Queen
Second, to put an aggressive baby to sleep, carry the baby, stand up and slowly raise and lower your body using the knees as elevation. Once the baby's calmed down, put him on the crib, if he starts crying, repeat the first step and the second step, if the baby still cries...cry with him and give up, if not sing We are The Champions with your utmost feelings and realize the baby is awake again.

See, pretty easy is it not?

My mom arrived from her work shortly before 12 noon. We ate ice cream for lunch (I know, irregular diet is sometimes the best for the mouth but not for the belly) and around 3 pm we went to Olongapo.

As a sort of reward for babysitting L, mom bought me Dr. Pepper...I took the liberty of picking up 12 cans
We picked up my grandma from the party at her work and went to Pagasa market to get our things which were tailored. Then we went to Royal for our groceries and ate at Ben's Kitchen, Harbor Point.

Ben's Kitchen's cheesecake...cheeeeeeeeeeese~

Our last stop was at my nephew's Pediatrician, this day was the date for his monthly immunization. 
We got home around 8 pm.
Not much happened this night, I plan to finish Full Metal Panic (finally, seriously Gauron is getting annoying) then finally start Fumoffu! and No. 6
