No. 6 Review

No. 6, a place that could be called heaven on Earth. Everything is proper and elegant in nature. Your position in society depends on how smart you are you go along the sublime but absolute rule of No. 6.
Basically, No. 6 is a place built for the most luxurious living in exchange for a huge part of your freedom.

Enter Shion, an intelligent boy yet could also be an airhead most of the times. He is good at what he does and nothing else. On the evening of his 12th birthday a boy, almost the same age as him, came into his room. The boy introduced himself as Nezumi. Shion, seeing him injured, nursed him and sheltered him only to find out that he disappeared in the morning. After not complying with what the Security Bureau sent informing the citizens of a wanted individual (Nezumi), Shion and his mother loses all privilege and moves to Lost Town-a decent town yet considered as a ghetto by No. 6.
Time skip to four years later, Shion became witness to an unusual incident which involves a parasitic wasp emerging from its victim after making the victim age rapidly until he/she dies.
Shion having doubts about No. 6 and its authority, he was arrested and brought to the Correctional Institute where, along the way, he was saved by Nezumi.
This event started Shion's life around Nezumi and little by little, finding out the ugly truth that No. 6 keeps in its closet.

No. 6 looks promising upon the first look. Not a great deal of animes today stray out of the usual genres but No. 6 proves that even for just 11 episodes, it could give us a good Science Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic theme. But 'good' is as high as it gets. There's quite a number of bothering and itchy parts in No. 6 and not in a good way.

It doesn't have that many main characters and that being said, it would be definite to hope for the series to focus greatly on the relationship development and struggles that involves Shion and Nezumi, everything else should sprout from that. Other characters were merely important for one little detail and despite that they are given enough screen time as the main cast. One big mistake that the anime brought was having a scope too broad for an 11-episode anime.

The anime also left out a few details, whether these details are relevant or not is decided on how the audience is drawn to the plot.
The plot is interesting but does not always draw you in. It is inconsistent at times but when the action begins, you can be sure to have your face glued until the end.
Specific points in the story were not dealt upon until the later half of the series. The lesser details were made important slowly until it culminates into an unsatisfying ending.

Still, the spectacular paradise shown above the hellish and secretive truth about No. 6 gives the audience a wonderful setting. It is one that can make you feel the reality of order and position whether socially or in authority.

If No. 6 could have been a 26-episode anime then it would have been a lot more interesting from beginning to end. But seeing as how the anime ended and how short the series ran, a 2nd season could be expected. A lot of things were left vaguely answered and more questions popped out in the ending.
If a second season were to happen, I would pretty much appreciate it as I'm sure Shion and Nezumi, whether sexually or socially, has more in store for the audience.

Art: 7/10
Characters: 6/10
Music: 7/10
Story: 6/10
